

Celebration in honour of Saint John the Baptist

H.E. Most Rev. Mons. Domenico Benvenuti, Bishop of San Marino - Montefeltro, celebrated in San Marino a Holy Mass in honour of Saint John the Baptist. The liturgy was attended by many members and volunteers of the Order of Malta.


Memorandum on the activities of prevention of cardiovascular risk in San Marino

Firmato il Memorandum che rafforzerà il progetto di prevenzione del rischio cardiovascolarevarato due anni fa dall'Ambasciata delll'Ordine di Malta a San Marino.


The Ambassador Held a Speech During an International Conference in San Marino

H.E. Amb. Celestini hold a speech on the Order of Malta's Humanitarian Diplomacy at the «International Conference on Knightly Orders and Award Systems in the reality of the XXI Century»


Investiture ceremony of the new Regency of the Republic of San Marino

H.E. the Amb. Marcello Celestini sent on behalf of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta to the new Captains Regent, the LL. AND AND. Alessandro Scarano and Adele Tonnini, on the occasion of the inauguration ceremony on 1 April 2023.