
AMPAM project integration meeting

riunione tecnica per integrazione progetto AMPAM con Ambasciatore Celestini, Segretario Generale Serenissima Repubblica di San Marino dssa Mularoni, Direttore UOC Cardiologia dott Bini, coordinatrice cardiologi Serenissima Repubblica di San Marino dssa Foscoli, dott Benati del CISOM di Rimini
AMPAM project integration meeting

AMPAM project integration meeting
On Monday 20 November 2023, at the headquarters of the Secretary of State for Health and Social Security of the Serenissima Republic of San Marino, a technical meeting was held in the presence of the Secretary General Mariella Mularoni. The meeting was attended by Dr. Roberto Bini, director of the hospital’s cardiology unit, Dr. Marina Foscoli, coordinator of the cardiologists of the Republic of San Marino, and Dr. Benati (CISOM of Rimini).
Together we discussed the possibility that the AMPAM project for cardiovascular prevention – which the Embassy of the Order, with the support of the Cisom volunteers of Rimini, has been carrying out in the Republic of San Marino for about two years – could be integrated and increased with the support of San Marino cardiologists.
The Ministry’s patronage was requested in order to publicize the project more. It was deemed necessary to hold a second meeting with the presence of the Health Director of the Institute for Social Security of the Republic of San Marino, Dr. Sergio Rabini, after the General Director, Dr. Francesco Bevere, had expressed his opinion on the matter.